Peanut Oil Benefits and Uses

Energise your body and prevent cancer with peanut oil

Peanut oil revs up your metabolism while deeply satisfying your taste buds. Did you know that peanut oil will make the crispiest fried food while it protects your heart, lowers bad cholesterol, and prevents cancer in every bite?1

Kaizer peanut oil stands apart with bolder flavour

Supermarket peanut oils damage your health because they are bleached and deodorised. Such chemical processing not only destroys what is nutritious about peanut oil, the chemicals remain in the oil and slowly eat away at your family’s health.

Kaizer peanut oil is produced by cold-pressing the red skin along with the rest of the nut. This gives Kaizer Red Peanut Oil a distinctly robust flavour and more nutrients. The striking dark colour of Kaizer peanut oil stands apart from every other peanut oil available in the supermarket.

Peanut oil benefits for blood pressure and the heart

Cooking with peanut oil is known to lower blood pressure.2 Here is how it works: as we age, arteries can get stiff and inflexible, which forces the heart to pump harder.3 Consequently, when blood pressure rises, heart muscles get strained and eventually damaged. Vitamin E in peanut oil helps to widen blood vessels and make them more flexible so your heart works more efficiently.4

Lower bad cholesterol with good fats in peanut oil

Would you have guessed that the rich and delicious peanut oil also lowers your bad cholesterol (LDL)? It does so without lowering your good cholesterol (HDL).5 So go ahead and enjoy peanut oil. In moderation, it is very good for you.

Phytosterols in peanut oil help to prevent and fight cancer

The high phytosterol content of peanut oil can inhibit the growth of certain types of cancers,6 such as:

  • Breast and ovarian
  • Prostate
  • Lung
  • Liver
  • Stomach

The anti-cancer activity of phytosterols7 (a family of healthful compounds found in plants) include:

  • Inhibiting carcinogen production
  • Reducing cancer cell growth and spread
  • Killing cancer cells8,9

Protect your family by including cancer tackling phytosterols in your diet.

Anti-ageing and skin protective properties of peanut oil

Stick with Kaizer’s raw, unprocessed, and all-natural peanut oil for your family’s skincare needs.

Alternative for cortisone steroid - The external application of peanut oil has been found to beeffective in treating atopic dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis of  the scalp.10

Topical anti-inflammatory - Peanut oil has analgesic properties that reduce skin irritations, rashes, sunburns, and minor topical wounds.11 Get relief from the itching and swelling associated with these skin conditions.

Moisture lock mechanism - The high amount of squalene in peanut oil locks in moisture and protects the skin against free-radical damage. Try peanut oil after bathing on scaly skin or for a deep skin treatment. Mix peanut oil with water to create a moisturising emulsion. Apply to skin and leave overnight for a penetrating treatment, which will rehydrate the skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and creases.

Ideas for preparing food with peanut oil

Kaizer Red Peanut oil will take your gourmet cooking to the next level. Kaizer’s manufacturing process produces a rich flavour and intense aroma unmatched in the industry. The difference is clear. We invite you to touch, taste, and smell it for yourself.

Peanut oil is a chef’s first choice for deep frying because it stays stable at high heat and delivers unparalleled crispness. It provides delicious comforting flavour in:

  • Frying and deep frying
  • Stir-fried fish, shrimp, chicken, paneer, and vegetables
  • Samosas and pakoras
  • Sauteed vegetables
  • Pasta
  • Cookies
  • Dipping sauces and salad dressings

Recommended uses

Temperature: Suitable for med-high heat. The smoke point of peanut oil is 230°C.
Shelf life: Because Kaiser peanut oil is raw and unprocessed, it is best used within 6-12 months
after opening. Unopened bottles have a 24-month shelf life.
Storage: Keep in a cool, dry place.

The science behind peanut oil for your health

1. Francisco Blanco-Vaca, Lidia Cedo, and Josep Julve, Phytosterols in Cancer: From Molecular Mechanisms to Preventive and Therapeutic Potentials, Current Medical Chemistry. 2019, Nov.

2. Regiane L Sales et al, The Effect of Peanut Oil on Lipid Profile of Normolipidemic Adults: A Three-country Collaborative Study. 2008.

3. Aging Changes in Heart and Blood Vessels, Medline Plus Medical Encyclopedia.

4. Samantha Morgillo, Allison M Hill, Allison M Coates, The Effects of Nut Consumption on Vascular Function, Nutrients. 2019, Jan.

5. T H Sanders Ground Nut Oil, Encyclopedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition. 2003.

6. Katarzyna Suchoszek-Takaniuk, Anna Jarmoni, Mariola Korycinska, Arkadiu Kozubek, Chapter 103 - Health Benefits of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Seeds and Peanut Oil Consumption, Nuts and Seeds in Health and Disease Prevention. 2011.

7. Vanu Ramkumar Ramprasath, Atif B Awad, Role of Phytosterols in Cancer Prevention and Treatment, Journal of AOAC International. 2015, May.

8. Naiyer Shahzad et al, Phytosterols as a Natural Anticancer Agent: Current Status and Future Perspective, Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 22017, April.

9. Bruce J Grattan, Jr, Plant Sterols as Anticancer Nutrients: Evidence for Their Role in Breast Cancer, Nutrients. 2013, Feb.

10. Amy S Paller, MD et al, Fluocinolone acetonide 0.01% in peanut oil: Therapy for Childhood Atopic Dermatitis, Even in Patients Who are Peanut Sensitive, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.

11. Tzu-Kai Lin, Lily Zhong, and Juan Luis Santiago, Anti-inflammatory and Skin Barrier Repair Effects of Topical Application of Some Plant Oils, International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2017 Dec.

Red Peanut Oil