Coconut Oil Benefits and Uses

Kaizer introduces a new class of coconut oil without the heavy aroma

Kaizer virgin coconut oil (VCO) is unlike any other coconut oil you have ever used. This is a culinary-grade oil with a refined light aroma and life-changing attributes. Add coconut oil to meals or your morning coffee and enhance your mental sharpness while you keep your brain healthy and fit. Feel energized by the way it powers up your metabolism. Coconut oil also provides strong protection against seasonal viruses and it’s safe for the whole family. For these great reasons, and a long list of secret medicinal and personal care uses, high quality coconut oil should always be at hand.

Raw coconut oil lights up the brain

Add a dollop of coconut oil in your morning coffee and be more productive all day. Natural unprocessed coconut oil gives you the added brainpower you’re looking for. Coconut oil is the richest source of medium chain triglycerides (MCT), a type of neuroprotective fat, which helps energize the brain.1 Skip the wild ride that sugar produces with a spike and crash that follows. Get a longer lasting brain boost with Kaizer Coconut Oil. Easy to digest, the fat in coconut oil absorbs instantly in the body to turn into brain fuel.

Coconut oil treats brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia

Know someone at risk of Alzheimer’s or dementia? Coconut oil can lower the risk of cognitive decline associated with ageing.2 In some cases, the effect of coconut oil on the brain can be dramatic and immediate.

This is how it works: the human brain runs on glucose and carbohydrates, which nourish the brain cells. As we age, these sources don’t work as effectively. MCTs in virgin coconut oil get metabolised by the liver, convert into ketones, and become an alternative source of brain fuel. Ketones are very safe. In fact, they are found in breast milk. When thinking slows down or becomes dull, get re-energised with ketones so your brain functions as it should.

Lift depression and chronic stress with coconut oil

Depression and anxiety can seem insurmountable but complimentary treatments using coconut oil show exciting promise. Coconut oil has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce inflamed brain tissue, which causes depression.3 Depressed patients have found relief from depression and chronic stress with anti-inflammatory agents.4

Don’t suffer through seasonal viruses without the protection of coconut oil

Coconut oil works to disarm viruses.5 For this reason, we recommend a daily dose during monsoon and change of seasons. Unlike many infection fighting medicines, coconut oil is completely safe for the whole family from infants to the elderly.

Here is why coconut oil is so effective at killing viruses

Coconut oil encourages the body to mount an immune response. It also prevents pathogens from binding to cells to begin with.5 Coconut oil has very small fat molecules. This fat absorbs quickly into your bloodstream and attaches to viruses that hide inside a lipid envelope. Lauric acid and monolaurin in coconut oil disintegrates this lipid layer of disguise. Suddenly, your immune system can see the virus and get rid of it. Use Kaizer raw coconut oil to effectively prevent or minimise the common cold, cough, and stomach viruses.

Stimulate weight loss and shape up with coconut oil

After you digest a meal with coconut oil, the body seeks out the easiest energy source to absorb and that is the coconut oil. The body metabolises the coconut oil more easily because of its faster delivery system. The shorter carbon chains in coconut oil absorb into the bloodstream faster. This means that coconut oil isn’t stored and burns off more quickly.6 Coconut oil can help overweight individuals boost their metabolism and reduce body fat, especially around the belly.7,8

The type of coconut oil you use in cooking makes a big difference in your cholesterol

Kaizer raw and unheated coconut oil metabolizes differently than fats derived from animals and low-grade oils.9 Avoid hydrolysed coconut oil, which is full of unhealthy trans fats. While ordinary coconut oil is high in saturated fat, the fat in exceptional quality Kaizer Coconut Oil is mostly medium chain fatty acids, which may not present the usual negative effects of other saturated fats.10 Virgin coconut oil acts as a cholesterol moderator. It lowers bad cholesterol
(LDL), while it increases good cholesterol (HDL).11

Nature designed coconut oil for skin, hair, and nail care

The unique chemistry of coconut oil makes it a superb beauty product. The molecules in coconut oil for hair are so small that they absorb quickly to lock in moisture. It not only makes hair silky-smooth but also has strong antimicrobial properties to fight fungus, bacteria, and viruses on the scalp.

As gentle as it is effective at fighting germs, there are so many uses for coconut oil and the body, we had to make three lists.

Wonderful ways that coconut oil can heal the skin:

  • Get rid of diaper rash
  • Lighten dark spots and skin discolouration
  • Treat athlete’s foot
  • Relieve dryness and cracked skin from shingles
  • Reduce the appearance of stretch marks
  • Remove make-up
  • Moisturise under eyes
  • Lock in moisture on lips
  • Use as massage oil

Coconut oil repairs weak and unhealthy nails

  • Apply to toenail fungus three times daily (don’t forget to use rubber gloves to prevent spreading!)
  • Hydrate dry nails

Coconut oil for beautiful hair

  • Treat dandruff
  • Condition with a hair mask
  • Moisturize dry ends
  • Smooth frizzy hair
  • Add shine
  • Create a moisture barrier before sun and swim

The radically different flavour of culinary grade virgin coconut oil

Kaizer Coconut Oil is suitable for fine cooking. The lighter aroma is a top choice for more discriminating palates.

Commonplace coconut oil found in the supermarket is produced by heating the nut at a high temperature so more oil can be extracted. This process releases the cheaper oil and the characteristically strong odour.

Kaizer virgin coconut oil is completely different. We selectively source coconuts and cold press them into oil for a lighter taste that retains all the plant nutrients nature provides. Now top-quality coconut oil is available for cooking without the heavy aroma.

Creative ideas for preparing food with coconut oil

The mild flavour of this fine culinary oil is comparable in flavour to ghee. Indian, Middle Eastern, and Asian dishes complement the oil's unique, subtly sweet flavour. Coconut oil adds a missing richness to vegan dishes while replacing animal fats.

Here are some ideas on how to cook with coconut oil:

  • Add coconut oil to your coffee
  • Try in your morning eggs.
  • Add to curry for a rich cream and butter replacement
  • Combine with turmeric and add to squash, lentils, rice, chicken, or pork
  • Intensify desserts that contain shredded coconut or nuts
  • Roast vegetables in coconut oil
  • Use coconut oil on your popcorn instead of butter

Be inventive. Keep coconut oil in stock for when inspiration hits you.

Recommended uses

Temperature: Unrefined coconut oil should only be used at low temperatures or not heated at all. Due to its low smoke point, virgin coconut oil is not suitable for deep frying or high heat applications.
Shelf life: Unopened bottles have a 24-month shelf life. Opened bottles are best when used within 12 months.
Storage: Keep in a cool, dry place.

The science behind coconut oil

1. Shijna Kappally, Arun Shirwaiker, Annie Shirwaikar, Coconut Oil – A Review of Potential Applications, Hygeia: Journal for Drugs and Medicines, 2015, Oct. 

2. Pratishtha Chatterjee, et al, Potential of Coconut Oil and Medium Chain Triglycerides in the Prevention and Treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, Mechanisms of Ageing and Development. 2020, Mar. 

3. S Intahphuak, P Khonsung, and A Panthong, Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic, and Antipyretic Activities of Virgin Coconut Oil, Pharmaceutical Biology. 2008, Apr. 

4. Georgia E Hodes, Veronika Kana, Caroline Menard, Miriam Merad, and Scott J. Russo, Neuroimmune Mechanisms of Depression, Natural Neuroscience. 2015, Sep.

5. Shashank Joshi, Vaibhav Kaushik, Vaishali Gode, Sudhakar Mhaskar, Coconut Oil and Immunity: What Do We Really Know About It So Far? Journal of the Association of Physicians of India. 2020, July.

6. Written by Stassi Myer-CE and medically reviewed by Atli Arnarson BSc, PHD,13 Studies on Coconut Oil and Its Health Effects, Healthline. 2020, April. 

7. Flavia Xavier Valente et al, Effects of Coconut Oil Consumption on Energy Metabolism, Cardiometabolic Risk Markers, and Appetitive Responses in Women with Excess Body Fat, European Journal of Nutrition. 2018, Jun. 

8. Marie-Pierre St-Onge, Robert Ross, William D Parsons, Peter J H Jones, Medium-Chain Triglycerides Increase Energy Expenditure and Decrease Adiposity in Overweight Men, Obesity Research. 2012, Sept.

9. Fabian M. Dyrit, Lauric Acid is Medium-Chain Fatty Acid, Coconut Oil is a Medium-Chain Triglyceride, Philippine Journal of Science, 2014, Dec. 

10. W A Amarasiri and A S Dissanayake, Coconut Fats. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2006, Dec.

11. Sakunthala Arunima and Thankappan Rajamohan, Influence of Virgin Coconut Oil-Enriched Diet on the Transcriptional Regulation of Fatty Acid Synthesis and Oxidation in Rats – a Comparative Study, British Journal of Nutrition, 2014, May. 

Coconut Oil